"The Gift of Our Presence"

The Gift of Our Presence

Thank you for your presence this past year. With your help, the Wellness Compass Initiative and its partner, Living Compass, have reached many thousands of people this year. 

We are grateful for the individuals, couples, families, schools, and other non-profit organizations that use and share our resources with others. 

You make our initiative possible; the holidays are the perfect time to pause and acknowledge that. Each one of you is an integral part of our wellness movement.

Our entire team wishes you and yours the happiest of holidays.

Holly Hughes Stoner

Scott Stoner

Robbin Brent

Carolyn Karl

P.S. We recorded and released a new episode for the Wellness Compass podcast this week on the importance of giving the gift of our presence. If you want to listen, you can find it HERE.


You can listen to a Wellness Compass podcast episode that compliments this column by clicking on “podcast” in the header menu at the top of this page.

And speaking of podcasts, Scott has his own podcast that is just him speaking about a topic that he is passionate about, the integration of spirituality and wellness. The Living Compass Podcast can be found HERE or in your favorite podcast app.