"Tending, Bending, and Mending."

Tending, Mending, and Bending

I (Scott) was working with my physical therapist recently due to a running injury. While she commended me for being active, she gently pointed out that, based on her assessment, I needed to work on my flexibility. How did she know that I rarely, if ever, take time to stretch? Was it really that obvious to her? Yes, it was, and if I’m being honest with myself, I already knew that this was painfully, at times, true.

Flexibility also comes up often when we talk with families—especially this time of year. Few things are more critical during the holidays than our relationships, yet if we are not intentional, our relationships can often be a source of stress.

A key to both physical and relational wellbeing is flexibility. Just like my PT reminded me, if we don’t have a regular practice of stretching ourselves physically as well as emotionally we will become stiff and uncomfortable. The holidays usually give us plenty of opportunities to practice this.

Here are three rhyming words that are easy to remember and essential to growing and stretching our relationships: tending, mending, and bending.

Relationships need regular tending to grow and thrive. The holidays are a perfect time for tending relationships. We can send a card, call, or text to let others know we care about them. And when we have experienced hurt, or there is conflict in a relationship, this time of year can be a time to do some mending and repairing. Reaching out with words of apology or taking responsibility for our part can be the first step in repairing the relationship. And as already mentioned, bending is crucial to relationships. This time of year, this can include being flexible around plans and traditions.

Perhaps the best gift we can give one another for the holidays is a commitment to tend, mend, or bend in ways that will let the people who mean the most to us know just how important they are in our lives.


You can listen to a Wellness Compass podcast episode that compliments this column by clicking on “podcast” in the header menu at the top of this page.

And speaking of podcasts, Scott has his own podcast that is just him speaking about a topic that he is passionate about, the integration of spirituality and wellness. The Living Compass Podcast can be found HERE or in your favorite podcast app.