"Kindness is Your Super Power"

Kindness is Your Superpower

On a recent walk, we came across a sign that said, "Kindness is your superpower." The message was quite timely.

If you ever doubt the power of kindness, you can quickly become reassured of the difference it makes by trying it. Make an effort to say a kind word to someone today. You might call someone who could use a kind word, send an email, or text to someone who could use some encouragement. Or you could make a meal for a friend, help a neighbor with a chore, or volunteer your time to a cause that is important to you. Create some words or acts of kindness, and then notice the difference you make as you see the look of gratitude and joy in the other person's eyes. You will discover that kindness truly is your superpower.

This superpower can also be extended to ourselves. Self-compassion is sometimes the most challenging kind of compassion to express, as many of us are our own worst critics. So, when it comes to spreading kindness, remember to offer some to yourself, as well.

Random acts of kindness are also a great way to put positive energy into the world. Give up your seat for a stranger. Help a person carry their bags. Offer an unexpected compliment to someone. Let someone go ahead of you in line. Hold an elevator door for someone. Speak up for someone who is marginalized. Go for a walk and pick up any litter you encounter.

In a world where we can be anything, let's always remember to be kind.

If this column inspires you to do something kind, please visit our Facebook page (The Wellness Compass Initiative), where we also post this column and share your act of kindness in the comment section. You just might inspire someone else to activate their own superpower of kindness.


You can listen to a Wellness Compass podcast episode that compliments this column by clicking on “podcast” in the header menu at the top of this page.

And speaking of podcasts, Scott has his own podcast that is just him speaking about a topic that he is passionate about, the integration of spirituality and wellness. The Living Compass Podcast can be found HERE or in your favorite podcast app.